The virtual site and the onsite badge retrieval emails have gone out. If you can't find the email with the 'magic link' for the virtual site go to
For the app - download eventsential app from playstore and search for WACV
The QR code cannot be resent but you can still get your badge with your last name or confirmation number.
Register here -
WACV 2023 will be in person but will also have a virtual alternative.
Each paper MUST be registered under an ‘author’ registration type. Virtual registrations will not cover paper submissions.
If circumstances prevent you from attending in person to present your paper, you may attend virtually.
Additional papers under a registration will be charged at $550 each.
Early registration deadline is November 23, 2022,11:59pm Pacific.
IEEE or CVF member passport |
$650 |
$750 |
Non-member passport |
$780 |
$900 |
Student IEEE or CVF member passport |
$400 |
$500 |
Non-member Student passport |
$480 |
$575 |
Life/Retired members passport |
$400 |
$500 |
IEEE or CVF member passport |
$125 |
$175 |
Non-member passport |
$150 |
$200 |
Student IEEE or CVF member passport |
$90 |
$125 |
Non-member Student passport |
$110 |
$155 |
Life/Retired members passport |
$90 |
$125 |
Refund policy
All refund requests must be made via email to Nicole Finn. All cancellations will be subject to a $35 cancellation fee before December 23, 2022, 11:59pm Pacific. NO REFUNDS will be made after December 23, 2022. You are allowed to change the name on the registration without penalty.
Updating a Registration
You can update your registration or make a substitution - select already registered when following the registration link and log into your account.
Online Event Policy
You will be given log-on details for the virtual event. Please note that your log-on information is just like your badge at the conference. Anyone caught sharing the same registration will immediately be removed from the online event and could be excluded from future WACV events. You will be held responsible for any code of conduct violations that occur under your registration as well.
Please direct any questions to Nicole Finn.
Visa Letters
Please reach out to Liz (lizATctoceventsDOTcom). You must be registered and please include your confirmation number in your request.
If you are an author, you can apply for a visa letter now. Please include your paper number and the title in your request.