Papers Visualizations

These graphs are for the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Computer Vision (WACV) 2023. The top graph is a visualization on the main conference papers for the conference distributed based on their similarity to each other. The closer the papers are, the more similar the abstracts. This graph can be used to search for papers and to find papers that are similar to each other. Once you find an interesting paper by searching, graph to see common words in the abstracts and list of the papers on the right. The bottom histogram contains the number of papers within each subject area. You can click on the bar to search for the papers in the subject area.

Each dot represents a paper with the color representing the subject area (legend below this graph). The papers are arranged by a measure of similarity.

If you hover over a dot, you see the related paper.

If you click on a dot, you go to the related paper page.

You can search for papers by author, subject area, or title

Drag a rectangle to summarize an area of the plot.

Histogram of the subject areas and the number of papers within each area.

Hover over the bar to see the actual number of papers.

Click on the bar to search for the papers from the subject area in the scatterplot above.

Graphs created by Dr. Christopher Funk (Kitware). Special thanks to Dr. Roni Choudhury (Kitware) for helping make the graphs these and previous year's graphs, Dr. Hendrik Strobelt (IBM) for the original similarity graph created for Mini-Conf, Professor Sasha Rush (Cornell) for advice on the embeddings, and Dr. Anthony Hoogs (Kitware) and Dr. Jeffrey Baumes (Kitware) for support and advice.